Why is it that bad habits are so quick and easy to pick up and almost impossible to break, while good habits take longer to make and take much effort to keep? If I could only switch my Chardonnay intake to water, I may just be one of the most hydrated people in Ridgewood.
Here are some suggestions of good habits to add to your everyday routine that will help you to not only look great but feel fabulous. Yes, I know, easier said than done.
-Eat blueberries every morning: known to be extremely high in antioxidants, blueberries will remove free radicals from your skin and body, helping to slow down the aging process. Free radicals contribute to wrinkles. Blueberries are also great for your urinary tract.
-Take Biotin supplements: To keep your hair full and young looking, it improves hair growth and makes the hair itself stronger.
-Wash your face every night: I know how easy it is too fall asleep with your makeup on, trust me some nights I can’t even manage to get my contacts out. You do need to wash your face and erase the dirt and grim from the day. It will do wonders for your skin and will help you sleep much better.
-Moisturize with an SPF lotion: I know I sound like a broken record, but protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun is probably one of the best habits you can get yourself into… trust me in 10 years you will be so happy you did.
-Smile and laugh more: It’s amazing how much better I feel at the end of a day having smiled and laughed throughout it. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Enjoy each and everyday and surround yourself with the people who do the same.
-Sleep: They don’t call it beauty rest for nothing.
-Sweat everyday: I know how hard it is to fit in a trip to the gym daily but try to make the habit of sweating everyday. Whether it is running after your toddlers or picking up a jump rope for 10 minutes. You’ll be amazed with the impact it has, not only on your fitness level, but how you feel at the end of the day.